Our Approach & Expertise
We break down retirement planning into steps that make sense. First we look at your age and your percentage of RED money (money at risk in the market) and your percentage of GREEN money (money that is safe and not positioned in risk). As we get older that balance of risk vs. safe money needs to change so we are preserving more. Your time horizon is getting shorter and you may not be able to wait out another market decline. We look at your financial needs for now, what you may need soon, and what you will need later. From there, we come up with a solid strategy that works in the long term.
Minimizing Risk of Your Hard Earned Money
If you are 55 years and older and have all of your life savings tied up in the market through IRAs, 401ks, mututal funds or equiitites, you are at risk of losing your money. In your 30's ans 40's you could ride out a downturn in the market. But what about now?
In 2008, 11 trillion dollars were lost in stock market portfolios. There are options that allow you to participate in the upside of the market with NO RISK of the downside. It's part of a common sense and smart retirement planning.
Maximizing Social Security
There is no better income-for-life stream currently in the marketplace than Social Security. It's guaranteed for life, and backed by the government. But your strategy of when and how could make all the difference. The folks at Social Security are NOT allowed to give you advice. Running an analysis on the best approach for YOUR situation is a critical component to ensuring your have the funds you need for a comfortable retirement. We can help.
Taking the 'Lazy' Out of
Your Money
Money in the bank, money market or CD used to be a great way to keep your money safe and growing. But in this low interest environment, your money has just gotten LAZY.
It is essential to make every dime work in your favor. There are several options to reposition your assets so they work for you later when you need them the most.
Ensuring Income for Life
A recent survey revealed that people are more worried about outliving their money than they are of actually dying. It's true, we are living longer and may not have saved as much as we may need but there are still solutions. Repositioning assets, maximizing social security strategies, minimizing tax impacts, and activating key financial tools can provide an income stream for life EVEN when your own money runs out.
Facing the Daunting Costs of Long-Term Care
Nothing will wipe out your savings and retirement plan faster than long term illness and nursing home costs. And yet, many of us do not protect ourselves from this realistic possibility.
Nursing homes cost approx. $9,000 a month and you will have to spend down your life savings to just $2,000 to qualify for Medicaid. This CAN be avoided. The time to take action is when you are youngest and healthiest. Most folks who become ill WISH they had taken action earlier.
Leaving a Legacy to Loved Ones
What would happen to your family if an income earner were to pass away? Most families note they would feel the financial impact within 3 months. Having the right protection and leaving a legacy for your family is all part of smart retirement and estate planning. Having your financial affairs in order will help your family to avoid probate and tax implications. Life insurance has also become a GREAT tool for living benefits and long term care as well - all TAX FREE.